Submitted by Director Debra Herndon

Some local people have never been to the Museum and wonder why and how it exists in the first place. The concept of the Museum began with H. Donald Bice and Lota (Ferguson) Bice. Mrs. Bice envisioned a museum at the old high school run by the Shinnston Historical Association. However, the school was not available, and the Historical Association did not feel they had the resources to embark on such a project. In order to accept the Bices’ offer, the City formed by ordinance the Board of Museums, which now owns and operates the Museum with one part-time employee.
The Bices purchased the building in 2004 and provided funds for a complete renovation. When they both passed in 2006, they bequeathed money to local organizations including the City of Shinnston and the Shinnston Historical Association, stipulating the funds for these two entities be used for a museum. These funds were given to the Board of Museums and invested so they could grow and provide for the perpetual operation of the museum. Members, organizations and other generous donors have provided for special projects and day-to-day operations, either by direct gifts or as bequests. The Museum sells some books and CDs and has a donation jar for those who want to help fund the work.
This season at the Museum, we have had visitors from Washington State, Delaware, Pennsylvania, Texas, New Hampshire, Michigan, Virginia, Oregon, Ohio and Florida. Some have family back here, but a surprising number find, through services like, that they are related to the Shinns or other local families and plan a trip to see the City where their people lived. They enjoy going through the resources the Museum offers and have had other great experiences in town, visiting the genealogy room at the Lowe Public Library, and getting a tour of the Shinn House. One couple even got personalized information and a tour of gravesites and ancestral home location from our former Director, Maxine Weser.
Special programs and shows, such as our current show by local artists, occur each year. The Museum has had groups of children coming through, some for the first time dialing a telephone or pressing the keys on a typewriter. Family members come in and many times the artifacts will spur memories and stories they share with their children.
The Museum accepts artifacts, photos and stories. If you want your family represented in the collection, please visit us. The Museum will be open Thursday through Sat. 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. through October. It then reopens the first week in May. Other times can be arranged by calling or texting Director Debra Herndon at 304-677-6650.