Submitted by Treasurer Debra Herndon
The Shinnston Garden Club met on Sept. 22 at 1 p.m. at the Woman’s Club Clubhouse with Vice President Wanda F. Ashcraft presiding. Ashcraft shared devotions and Virginia Livingston led the Pledge of Allegiance. The tables were decorated with beautiful mums.
The afternoon’s speaker was Joseph R. “Rocky” Romano, assessor of Harrison County who brought information to the group about the four amendments to the West Virginia Constitution to be voted on in November. Romano spoke of the possible impact of Amendment 2, which gives the Legislature authority to exempt certain taxes. With no agreed-upon plan to replace these taxes, public services could suffer. Romano fielded many questions and information was added from members Chad Edwards, city manager and Susan Thomas, Harrison County commissioner.
The secretary’s report was given by Letha Stutler and Debra Herndon gave the treasurer’s report. The group voted to allow the officers to meet with their investment advisor and make changes to the portfolio as needed. Romano was presented a mum and Livingston, Edwards and Stutler each won a mum as a door prize. Lunch featured East of Chicago pizza and salad, snack cakes and chips.
In attendance not previously mentioned were Donna Post and Marjorie Jackson.