The Woman’s Club of Shinnston met Monday, April 17 with Co-President Maryann Ferris presiding. The group said the pledge to the flag and a short devotional was given.
The meeting was then turned over to the speaker of the evening, who represented General Thomas J. “Stonewall Jackson. General Jackson spoke of his early life in what was at the time, Virginia. Orphaned at an early age, General Jackson applied to West Point and had a hard time getting accepted. Only because of misfortune of another candidate and the judges looking kindly on an orphan did Jackson arrive at the very bottom of a class of one hundred eleven. Although often ridiculed by fellow classmates, Jackson managed to graduate 17th in his class. Jackson went on to describe several of the battles he experienced during the Civil War. His nickname occurred when General Barnard E. Bee observed Jackson’s company and said “There is Jackson and his men standing like a stone wall.” Jackson’s stubborn courage cemented this nickname.
Jackson was portrayed by Doug Riley through the History Alive Program of the WV Humanities Council. Riley has three other “Stonewall” programs including how West Virginia (illegally) became a state. Riley also portrays Mark Twain. Twain previously visited the Woman’s Club. Monday’s program was co-sponsored by the Clarksburg Woman’s Club and the Bice-Ferguson Memorial Museum.
In a short business meeting, the Shinnston Woman’s Club selected Demi Mancino as their representative this summer for Girl’s State. Mancino was commended for her extracurricular activities and her willingness to help with Woman’s Club fund raisers. Ferris reported that the Club had received National and State Woman’s Club recognition on the Club’s 100th birthday.
Viviane Spagunolo was hostess for the evening. Chicken and vegetable casseroles, baked sandwiches, cheesecake, pineapple and chips and dip were enjoyed by all.
Attending not previously mentioned were: Connie Leuliette, Mary Ann Spadafore, Debbie Starkey, Carrie Mancino. Donna Mick, Judy Wilson and guests Sharon Twentier from the Clarksburg Woman’s Club, Johnna Nutter and Robert P. (Bobby) Bice III.