By Debra Herndon
The Shinnston Garden Club has resumed meeting after a winter hiatus. A luncheon meeting
was held at the Sunset-Ellis restaurant on March 28, 2024.
Guests were Mrs. Julie Yearego, Kasey Ketterman, Sierra Menendez, Trinity Elderidge, Cameron Patton and Nick Beatty from Lincoln’s EPIC Tourism Grant Executive Planning Committee. They presented a City project of purchasing benches and garbage cans. The Club voted to give $1000 towards the project.
The Club congratulated member Tori Drainer for her new role as City Manager of Shinnston.
Former Mayor Wanda Ashcraft presented Drainer with a bouquet of orange roses and Garden
Club President presented Drainer with a large striking plant. In attendance were current Mayor
Rodney Strait and former Mayor Pat Kovalck.
The Club met again on April 25 th at the Bice-Ferguson Memorial Museum for a lunch of pizza,
salad, fruit and cookies. Special guest was Officer Brittany Bunnell who spoke on what it is like
to be a female police officer in a small town.
President Dorothy Rota suggested that the Club fully fund the new flower urns planned in the
Tourism Grant Project in honor of Lota Ferguson Bice and Donald Bice who had graciously
bequeathed the Garden Club money several years ago. A motion was made and seconded and
the funding was approved.
Lovely door prizes were won at both meetings. Members attending one or both meetings were
President Dorothy Rota, Vice-President Wanda Ashcraft, Secretary Letha Stutler, Treasurer
Debra Herndon, Paula Harrison, Shirley Bowen, Marjorie Jackson, Susan Thomas, Donna Post,
Jan Kelton, Kathleen Panek, Deborah Starkey, Tori Drainer, Rocky Romano, Joyce Miker, Linda
Comer, David Harbert, Debbie Harbert.