Brooklyn Alysse Dorsey is the daughter of Jay Dorsey and Selina Hutchinson, and the
granddaughter of Rebecca Thorne and the late Curtis Thorne, Jack and Nancy
VanSlyke, and Bob and Erin Dorsey.
Throughout her four years at Lincoln, Brooklyn has earned a spot on the perfect honor
roll due to her exceptional grades. She is ranked number 10 out of her entire senior
class, maintains a 4.5 gpa, and has been the recipient of several Top Scholar awards.
Brooklyn is a member of the Key Club, National Honor Society, and the National
Society of Top Scholars. She is also a four-year member of the cheer team where she
became a 2022 West Virginia AA State Cheerleading Champion.
In her spare time, Brooklyn enjoys reading, painting, shopping, and listening to music.
Brooklyn has plans to attend Fairmont State University to pursue a degree in
psychology to eventually become a licensed therapist
Daniela Labra-Guerrero is currently ranked #9 in her class, and maintains a 4.05 gpa.
She enjoys math and history classes, and is fluent in two languages. Daniela has been
the recipient of several Top Scholar awards, and has earned perfect honor roll due to
her exceptional grades.
Daniela is a member of the National Math Honor Society, Social Studies Honor
Society, Crochet Club, Paranormal Club, and the Music Club.
In her spare time, Daniela enjoys crocheting, baking, cleaning, learning new
languages, and watching Netflix.
Daniela has enlisted in the National Guard, and then also has plans to attend WVU to
major in political science, and minor in French or history to then one day attend law