The HCSCC Board of Directors did not meet in February 2025. The next Board meeting will be held on Thursday, March 27, 2025, at 9:30 a.m. in person in the boardroom and via Zoom. The remaining HCSC Board Meetings for 2025 are as follows: March 27, April 24, June 26, September 25, and October 23, 2025.
2025 Board Officers & Members: Ryan Kennedy, President, Bill O’Field, Vice President, Franklin Hairston, Secretary, Betty Waddy, Treasurer, Carol E. Brown, Don Burton, Janet Dotson, Will Hyman, Harley Jeffries, Bill Phillips, Donna Stuart, and Susan Thomas.
March 13 Deadline to submit candidate application for HCSC Board of Directors Spring Election 2025
HCSC BOD Candidate Application and eligibility requirements are available at the senior center front desk or on our website at, or by email request at The deadline to submit a candidate application for the HCSC Board of Directors is 3:00 PM on March 13, 2025. Candidate information will be available on the website, Facebook, and our monthly Shinnston News and Journal page.
All Voting Will Take Place at Senior Center Location at 500 W. Main Street, Clarksburg on the following days and times: Monday through Friday, April 21, 2025 – May 13, 2025, 8:30 AM – 3:00 PM. Final Day to vote will be Wednesday, May 14, 2025, 8:30 AM – 12:30 PM.
China One Donates Chopsticks
Zhang Chen from China One donated Chopsticks to help Kinley Café celebrate National Chopsticks Day on February 6, 2025. The seniors attempted to eat the fried rice entrée with the chopsticks. Some were successful. Others were not. Several remarked that it would make a great diet tool to lose weight. We are always grateful for the support of China One for these celebrations. Many of the seniors enjoyed trying something new. It made for a fun and entertaining lunch.
Valentine’s Week at the Senior Center
Valentine’s week at the senior center was busy with various activities and visitors. Board Member Donna Stuart helped seniors make various types of cards to give to others, including Valentines. CHPL Children’s Librarian Erica Perry brought readers from the library YAG (Youth Advisory Group) to read two books and share Valentines and candy with the seniors. CommuniCare employees, Pam Tenney and Madison Byrd, brought candy and back scratchers for the seniors. Additionally, donated door prizes were available on Thursday, February 13, prior to the special bingo in the Kinley Café.
Visit to the Capitol
Leg reception pic with commissioner and Speaker Gavel) On February 18, 2025, Director Beth Fitzgerald and HCSC Board Vice President BillO’Field visited the WV Legislature prior to the WVDSCS (West Virginia Directors of Senior and Community Services) Legislative Reception held later that evening. In the Capitol, Beth and Bill, along with Sallie Mathis, Gilmer County Senior Center Director, and Katie Hudak, NW AAA Director (Area Agency on Aging), visited the House Chamber and were invited to pose for a picture holding the speaker’s gavel. At the reception, Beth and Bill were joined by HCSC Board President Ryan Kennedy, now Cabinet Secretary at West Virginia Department of Veterans Assistance, Delegate Keith Marple, WVBOSS Commissioner Dianna Graves (West Virginia Bureau of Senior Services), and Christy Mills, Lewis County Senior Center Director.
HCSC Membership
Membership Term is October 1 to September 30 each year. HCSC Membership is $10 yearly and open to those age 50+ (prorated for new members). Activities and services available include fitness room, exercise group, Tai Chi classes, Bingocize classes, Drums Alive classes, Line Dance group, Ceramics classes, Bingo Fun Club, Senior Olympics Practice class, daily cards and game playing in the café, puzzle & TV room, computer lab, transportation, food box programs, in home caregiving programs, socialization, and Kinley Café food service. The center is open M – F, 8 AM – 4 PM.