Attending the March 3, 2017 weekly meeting of the Shinnston Senior Citizens were Janet Dotson, Billie Allen, Sylvia Duckworth, Steve and Joyce Miker, Donna Yelick, Louie and Elaine Veltri, Nancy Davis, Nannette Hixon, Libby Butcher, Deloris Minor, Margaret Yost, Vivian Brown, Tom Greaver, Stanley McIntire, Jean Hornick, Paul Shaver, Joan Whiteman, Pauline Reed, Karen Flanigan, William and Navonda Hayhurst and Enith Wright.
Janet called the meeting to order. We did the pledge to our flag and sang the national anthem. Joan Whiteman had our devotions. Again we have several from our little group on the prayer list; Brenda Nestor, Connie Perkins, Jo Smith, Paul Shaver, the Goff family, Janet’s son’s wife, Tom Greaver, Judy Asel, Bette Baughman, Virginia Minor, Kim Andrick, Bernard Jones, our country, leaders, and mankind everywhere.
Our only business was voting to take Brenda Nestor flowers in the hospital; everyone voted yes. Bless her heart … she is having a bad year so far with pain and suffering. Maybe soon things will work out so she will have some relief. Also we need to pick up our membership for the year. The fee is $8.00 per year and you may call Janet Dotson or come in on Fridays and we will help you sign up. The more the merrier. Also, March 16 is a luncheon at the Clarksburg Senior Center. We are trying to get the plans made for that.
Beef stew, soup and sandwiches were the fare of the day. Tom asked the blessing over our meal. Margaret and Navonda were the kitchen crew. Everyone brought in several tasty covered dishes. Thank you members for that! Workers for next week will be Nancy, Jean and Nannette with Margaret and Navonda baking the cakes. I believe we are having fish… tis the Lenten season.
We had a drawing for stuffed bears. The winners were Karen, Enith, and Margaret. Also, we had a first for us this week – Elaine won the coverall bingo on two cards. She was one lucky lady. William won the 50/50 drawing, Sylvia, Louie and Tom won the guess jars with Libby being the 1st door prize winner.
Our thought for the week: John 13:34 and 35 “A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples; if you have love one to another.” Do we really love one another or is it in talk only? Let us be respectful to each other. You will be surprised how well things will go in life. See you next week, Lord willing.