Calling all musicians … it is time to strike up the band! The Shinnston Community Band will soon be starting rehearsals for its summer season.
The band has been playing free concerts in the Central West Virginia region for the past twenty-one years. The band began as the result of several local residents who wanted to play together and share a common love of music. This love of music resulted in the formation of the group of very diverse and unique musicians from all walks of life ranging in age from 13 to 83. The band offers a valuable education to all members both young and old. The younger members receive tutoring from the more seasoned players, while the older members continue to improve their musical skills. Additionally, all members of the band are volunteers, which means that no one is paid. It can be said that these people actually pay to play, freely giving their time and spending money to get the opportunity to play music and entertain the public.
The Shinnston Community Band is a non-profit corporation and has been financed over the many years through grants and donations. Since the availability of grants has recently diminished, the band will be looking for donations and sponsors. Persons or organizations interested in donations or sponsorships can contact the band.
It is interesting to note that many of the members of this group played musical instruments in high school and college. Upon graduation, the musical instruments were put aside and people went on with their careers and rearing families, but they did not lose their love of music. The Shinnston Community Band has given many of these musicians the opportunity to once again pick up their instruments and play. They may be rusty at first, but they soon fall into playing with proficiency once again. The playing of music is simply fun and fulfilling.
This article began with the announcement, “Calling All Musicians”. The Shinnston Community Band is looking for musicians to join the group for the upcoming summer season. Even if you have not touched your instrument in years but would like to once again play with a concert band, you are invited to participate. Give it a try and see how you like it. Everyone is rusty in the beginning and no one will laugh at you for trying. Rehearsals will begin on Tuesday, April 18, 2017, at 7:00 pm in the Lincoln High School band room. The band is under the direction of Michel Cale.
Several concerts are scheduled for the summer session including the annual “Concert in the Park” at Ferguson Memorial Park in Shinnston on July 2, 2017. CALLING ALL MUSICIANS! It is time to play music with the Shinnston Community Band! If you need further information, please call Richard at 304-592-3234.