By Betsy Turner
The American Legion Auxiliary Department of West Virginia held its 42nd annual Mid-Winter Conference February 9th – 11th at the Oglebay Resort and Conference Center in Wheeling, WV. The Conference is called for the purpose of receiving reports of Department Officers and Chairmen, and for the transaction of such other business as may properly come before it.
On Friday, February 9th, registration began, and the group began the collection of comfort items for the Veterans hospitals and nursing homes in the state and the opening of the silent auction. The collection of comfort items for hospitalized and nursing home Veterans is an important part of the auxiliary’s mission and for 2023-2024 there was a record number of monetary donations and items requested by the Veterans Hospitals in the state due to the hard work of Auxiliary President Debbie Michael. Committee meetings for the day included the Training and Membership Committees, and the Girls State Executive Committee.
On Saturday, February 10th, the Call to Order and opening were given by American Legion Auxiliary Department President Debbie Michale followed by the opening prayer, by Department Chaplain Stephanie Handley. The opening also included the “Pledge of Allegiance”, singing of the national anthem, and the “Preamble to the Constitution” and “Mission Statement” of the American Legion Auxiliary.
This year the auxiliary welcomed Dr. Rosemary Thomas, Director of Rhododendron Girls State and long-time auxiliary member who spoke on Leadership Development.
Other ceremonies that took place during the session were the “Missing Man Table” which honors those still military members still missing, alive or dead and the “4 Chaplains Service” in honor of the four chaplains of different faiths who, on February 3, 1943, during World War II, gave up their life jackets so other members of the crew of the USS Dorchester might live after it had been torpedoed by a German submarine.
After a break for lunch the group reconvened the group heard from Lynda Lancaster-Loyd, Department Membership Chairman and Carla Wilfong,
Department Poppy Program Chairman. The silent auction conducted by Roxie Nicholson, Past Department President rounded out the day. The session adjourned at 4 pm on Saturday, February 10, 2024.
There was a banquet at 6 pm which included the Commander’s and President’s Reception.
Seven members of American Legion Auxiliary Unit 31, Shinnston attended the convention, including two past department presidents, Roxie Nicholson and Dortha Parsons.