The American Legion Auxiliary Department of West
Virginia held its annual fall workshop Saturday,
September 11 at Hilton Garden Inn, Clarksburg.
Auxiliary members represented West Virginia’s 63
Auxiliary Units from its 6 Districts.
The session began with an opening prayer, the Pledge
of Allegiance, the “Star Spangled Banner” and the
“Preamble to the American Legion Auxiliary
Constitution” and “Mission Statement”.
Department President Cathy Post spoke to the ladies
about her theme for the 2021-2022 Auxiliary Year,
“Honoring our Fallen, Serving all Others” and this year’s
membership theme, “Honoring our Legacy, Celebrating
our Tomorrowā€¯.
Each department chairman (Membership, Chaplain,
Historian, Americanism, Auxiliary Emergency Fund,
Children and Youth, Legislative, Education, Community
Service, Rhododendron Girls State, Poppy, Juniors
Activities, National Security and Veterans Affairs and
Rehabilitation, Scrapbook and Public Relations) spoke
regarding their expectations and upcoming plans for the
2021-2022 Auxiliary Year.
The day concluded with a shoe box auction with the
proceeds going to the department president’s special
project, the Gold Star Mothers Living Memorial. This is a
park with 55 apple trees, one for each county, with dog
tags, a granite bench, 3 flag poles and a gazebo. It will be
the first one in the north central part of the state.