By Debra Herndon
The Shinnston Garden Club met on Thursday, June 22, 2023 at 1 pm at the Sunset-Ellis Restaurant with President Dorothy Rota presiding. She welcomed all. Wanda F. Ashcraft, Vice-President, gave devotions; “Garden Time” and “The Master’s Garden.” The Pledge to the United States Flag was said in unison.
Ashcraft shared a picture and article from the Inter-Mountain Newspaper showing the Emma Kemper Garden Club – it won the “Best Garden Club in WV” at this year’s State Convention. Congratulations to our fellow Garden Club which performs a multitude of good works in Elkins. Ashcraft also shared an article wherein Sen. Joe Manchin is proposing U.S. Flags be purchased in the U.S. using U.S. materials. This brought applause from the members.
Ashcraft presented a program on famous and well-known women from West Virginia who made big impacts on the history of WV. The program was well received, gathering applause and favorable comments. Ashcraft was attired in the State colors, and she stated that although she had lived for some years in Texas and Mississippi while her husband was with the Air Force, they had always used Shinnston as their legal domicile and she was always proud to say she was a West Virginian and Shinnston was her home town.
Secretary Letha Stutler read the minutes of the last meeting. Those ill or in distress were remembered and the Club sent several cards of sympathy. Debbie Harbert was thanked for her and David’s work in planting the urns downtown and keeping them beautiful throughout the summer.
There was a discussion regarding a derogatory post about the Club on Facebook.
Thanks to Linda Comer for bringing some delicious cookies. Winning door prizes were Beth Linn, Virginia Livingston and Tori Drainer.
Present not previously mentioned were: Chad Edwards, Donna Post, Marjorie Jackson, Susan Thomas, Paula Harrison, Joyce Miker and Kathleen Panek.