News and Journal Staff Writer
While the weather was winter-like on Saturday, folks at the Clarksburg Beauty Academy were inside hard at work sharing hope and raising awareness for breast cancer. The Academy, with the help of the American Cancer Society, held the Pantene Challenge. Anyone who had at least eight inches of dye-free hair could donate it to Pantene to be used to make wigs for cancer patients. Those donating got a free style and could have bright pink extensions put into their hair to commemorate October being Breast Cancer Awareness month. The extensions were two for five dollars and the proceeds benefitted the breast cancer fund.
“Breast Cancer awareness has always been one of the causes our students like to participate in,” remarked Angela Policano, School Director. We always get a lot of cooperation. This is the first year we have done this type of event with Pantene. It’s a cause that’s close to our hearts at the Clarksburg Beauty Academy.”
People of all ages were donating their hair, including eight-year-old Cassidy Star. Star, who was brought to the event by her grandmother, had hair down her back. But when it was time to get down to business, a total of 13 inches was cut and donated.
According to Star’s grandmother, this was her first major haircut other than routine trims.
“I want to give hair to kids who don’t have any,” said Star.
Harrison County’s American Cancer Society’s Community Manager Megan Petrollo was on hand as well. She said that more than $100 had been raised in just extensions alone.
“Pantene’s Beautiful Lengths partners with the American Cancer Society to create real-hair wigs and we give those to our cancer survivors at no cost. I am so thankful for the Clarksburg Beauty Academy for hosting this event. It hasn’t happened for a while and it’s great we can get back in with them and have them support the American Cancer Society.”
According to Petrollo, $500 can help a woman or her family stay at the Hope Lodge for free for a week. Petrollo said $100 can go a long way.
All proceeds from Saturday’s event went to the American Cancer Society.