By the Honorable Amy Summers (R-73)
The WV Legislature was called into special session by Governor Justice on Sept. 30, 2024. We convened that day as required and then recessed until Oct. 6 during regularly scheduled meetings and concluded Oct. 8 at approximately 9:30 pm.
The following bills were passed:
HB 201: $10m communities in school program
HB 202: Approval to spend $150 m for road maintenance
HB 203: $1.2 m for veterans’ assistance
HB 204: $375,000 WV State Police dispatch center
HB 205: ~$15 m adjutant general’s office
HB 206: $2m WVU Rockefeller Neuroscience Institute research
HB 207: $379,468 additional funding for aid to exceptional children
HB 208: Making WV a nuclear regulatory agreement state (applies to low level radioactive materials such as that used in medical tests not nuclear fuel energy)
HB 211: $100m for matching federal grants for water, sewer, and other projects
HB 212: $22m for nursing and fire and EMS training
HB 213: $135m grant match funding for local water, ewer, and other local projects
HB 214: $2m Office of Inspector General operations
HB 215: $2.8m Minden community hazardous clean up
HB 216: $9.3 m Office of Technology operations
HB 218: $1.15m WV conservation Agency for dam repair
HB 219: $1.05m to pay for public defender services
HB 226: Providing a childcare and dependent child tax credit
HB 227: Allowing public charter schools to apply for SBA funding
HB 230: $1m to Dept of Education safe schools’ fund
HB 244: Placing a moratorium on new municipal fire fees imposed on non-municipal residents
HB 245: $5m to the Office of EMS
SB 2009: $87 m to PEIA reserve fund
SB 2010: $40 m to rural hospitals deferred maintenance
SB 2020: $13.6 m to WV School of Osteopathic Medicine deferred maintenance
SB 2020/2021/2024 ~$40m Dept of Corrections and Rehabilitation, Regional Jails and Juvenile Services
SB 2028: Allowing two clinical trials related to medicated assisted treatment for substance abuse disorder
SB 2031: $5m to SBA for public charter schools
SB 2032: $10m Dept of Agriculture for drought assistance
SB 2033: 2% additional decrease in personal income tax
SB 2034: $175,000 to WV State Police
SB 2035: To provide funding for broadband expansion projects
SB 2036: ~$8.3 m to Higher Education Policy Commission for correction to funding formula
SB 2037: $349,715 to New River Community and Technical College
SB 2038: $15m from Dept of Treasury to General Revenue account
SB 2039: $15m to colleges and universities for deferred maintenance
While I found it difficult to vet every issue, I tried my best to vote in the best interest of the district and state. If you have questions that are more in depth than reported feel free to contact me. My last days in Charleston will be Dec 8-10 for interim committee meetings that I chair. The newly elected representatives will take office Jan. 8, 2025.
Delegate Amy Summers (98 Meadland Rd., Flemington, WV 26347, c 304-641-1159, and Amy.