By Debra Herndon
The Shinnston Garden Club had a luncheon meeting Thursday, September 28 th at the Bice-Ferguson Memorial Museum. President Dorothy Rota welcomed those present and led the Pledge to the Flag.
Wanda Ashcraft, Vice-President, gave devotions and led the group in prayer. Pizza, salad, crackers & dip, cookies and cupcakes were enjoyed, along with good fellowship.
At the conclusion of the meal, Debra Herndon gave a brief history of quilts in America and invited the group to examine the museum quilt show and vote for their favorite. In the short business meeting that followed, Secretary Letha Stutler read the minutes, Treasurer Debra Herndon gave the financial report and President Dorothy Rota reported on “manning” the Garden Club’s Birthday celebration table at the last Wind Down Wednesday event.
Those present, not previously mentioned were: Tori Drainer, Joyce Miker, Paula Harrison, Beth Linn, Shirley Bowen, Marjorie Jackson, Linda Comer and Virginia Livingston.