By Debra Herndon
The Shinnston Garden Club met at the Bice-Ferguson Museum for a luncheon meeting on May
23 rd with President Dorothy Rota presiding.
Vice-President Wanda Ashcraft gave devotions and members said the Pledge to the flag in unison. Secretary Letha Stutler read the minutes and Treasurer Debra Herndon gave her report.
The Club’s decision to purchase new flower planters in support of Lincoln High School’s EPIC
project was discussed. The planters will be placed at the conclusion of the State’s sidewalk
access project. The school’s EPIC project will continue into the new school year when the
students will continue with their fund raising efforts to purchase waste receptacles and benches
which will match the new planters.
President Rota reported on attending Lincoln’s honor assembly. Member Susan Thomas
awarded two small scholarships to Madison Girod and Kasey Ketterman