Happy belated St. Patrick’s Day from the Shinnston Senior Citizens! Everyone was Irish and had something green on for the occasion.
The green punch was flowing, shamrock cookies were being eaten and pictures being taken. We had treat bags, hats with lights, green necklaces along with spring bread baked by Gary Taylor. Thank you sir for doing that for us. A great day for the ones who were able to be there.
Stanley McIntire helped Janet out by calling the meeting to order. (She had the crud last week and still was not up to par.) We stood and said the pledge to our flag and sang the national anthem. Mary Stutler did our devotions. Requesting prayer were Brenda Nestor, Virginia Minor, Janet Dotson, Tom Claypoole, Alice Gwynn, Tom Greaver, our president, congress, all leaders everywhere, all first responders, loved ones and yes, our enemies. That should take us at least 2-3 hours on our knees.
Again, there was no old or new business. An announcement was made about a dinner at the Clarksburg center on April 6. Making plans for that. Also we did our chenille art thing again making shamrocks. Prizes were won by Karen F., Billie and Stanley. Now remember to sign up and join our merry little group… only $8.00 for the year. We need your membership and you need our friendship. Contact Janet Dotson or stop in on Fridays.
Our meal was an Irish meal. We had corn beef, cabbage, potatoes along with chicken and all the other luscious covered dishes made by the members in attendance. Stanley asked the blessing over the meal. The kitchen crew was Nannette, Nancy D., Jean H. and helper Karen F. Next week’s group will be Libby and Elaine with Janet, Judy and Mary baking the cakes. This past week we had cake and cherry cobbler. Something different.
Our bingo coverall winner was Elaine Veltri. (Second week in a row for her). Stanley won the 50/50 drawing; Sylvia, Tom, Joan and Billie won the guess jars. The 1st door prize winner was Sylvia. Good luck next week.
Members attending were Janet Dotson, Billie Allen, Sylvia Duckworth, Connie Perkins, Donna Yelich, Louie and Elaine Veltri, Nancy Davis, Nannette Hixon, Libby Butcher, Deloris Minor, Tom Greaver, Stanley McIntire, Jo Smith, Jean Hornick, Paul Shaver, Mary Stutler, Joan Whiteman, Pauline Reed, Karen Flanigan, William and Navonda Hayhurst, Enith Wright, Judy Asel and Richard Murray.
Thought for the week – The Fine Art of Friendship. 1. Develop friendships in which you demand nothing in return. 2. Nurture an authentic interest in others. 3. Always take time — often a long time —-to understand one another. 4. Commit yourself to learning how to listen. 5. Simply be there to care, whether you know exactly what to do or not. 6. Always treat others as equals. 7. Be generous with legitimate praise and encouragement. 8. Make your friends Number ONE, preferring them above yourself. 9. Emphasize the strengths and virtues of others, not their sins and weaknesses. (The Vendor – March 15, 2017.) Proverbs 18:24 -“A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother.” Take care of your friends! See you next week.