Submitted by the Shinnston Senior Citizens
The Shinnston Senior Citizens group met at the American Legion, with Janet Dotson, president, presiding, on Sept. 30.
Members said Dotson called the meeting to order after games of bingo, pledging allegiance to the flag and the singing of the national anthem.
The prayer list included Karen Flanigan, the Wayne Tanner family, Tom Greaver, and Eugene Jaumont.
Carla Wilfong won the guessing jar and was the 50/50 drawing. Cover all bingo was won by Donna Yelich. First door prize was won by Nannette Hixon.
The flower coloring sheet contest will be voted on by all, and prizes will be given to the top three the following week.
Dress up for Halloween at the next meeting was optional, but everyone was encouraged to wear something related to the holiday.
The devotion was given by Donna Post, and members had soup beans, cornbread, side dishes and desserts.
In attendance and not already mentioned were Deloris Minor, Enith Wright,
Karen Flanigan, Nadine Holt, Violet Stout, Karen Crayton, Jo Smith, Stanley Mclintire, Margaret Yost, Dorotha Parsons, Jean Hornick, Linda Wilfong, Paul Shaver, and Jeanette Bonnell.