Shinnston’s Woman’s Club is holding a soup bean and ham dinner, its primary fundraiser of the year, on Oct. 26.
For $8 a ticket, the meal also includes coleslaw, cornbread, cake and a beverage.
The meals will be available for pick-up or eat-in at the Woman’s Clubhouse on lower Bridge Street from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m., or as long as the food lasts.
Woman’s Club members recommend buying tickets ahead of time.
Pre-ordered lunches can be delivered in the Shinnston, Enterprise and Lumberport areas.
The door has a level entrance, and a ramp is available.
There is free parking near the building.
A 50/50 drawing, with proceeds benefiting Woman’s Club projects, will be held at 6:45 p.m. Participants do not need to be in attendance to win.
To buy tickets, attendees have several options. Call or visit Debby Starkey, librarian at the Lowe Public Library; the number is 304-592-1700. Lunch-goers may also buy tickets by calling Wanda Ashcraft at 304-592-2015; Debra Herndon at 304-592-3234; or Kathleen Panek at 304-592-0177.
– Erin Beck