By Debra Herndon
After a winter hiatus, the Woman’s Club of Shinnston began their monthly meetings on Monday,
April 15 th at the Club House on Bridge Street with Co-President Mary Ann Ferris presiding. The
group heard from Lincoln High School’s EPIC Tourism Grant Committee about their trail signage
project and their proposed beautification project for the downtown. Attending from the
Committee were Sierra Menendez, Trinity Eldridge, Cameron Patton and Diane Mason as well
as advisor Mrs. Julie Yearego.
Mrs. Ferris reported on the Woman’s Club Winter Conference and awards the Shinnston
Woman’s Club had earned. The members present voted to retain the same officers for the
2024-2026 term.
On May 20 th , co-President Debra Herndon presided. Secretary Wanda F. Ashcraft gave
devotions with a Mother’s Day theme and the group said the Pledge of Allegiance in unison.
Connie Leuliette led an installation ceremony for incoming officers: Co-Presidents Mary Ann
Ferris and Debra Herndon, First Vice President Deborah Starkey, Second Vice President Carrie
Mancino, Treasurer Mary Ann Spadafore, Recording Secretary Wanda F. Ashcraft, and
Corresponding Secretary Judy Wilson.
A memorial service followed with a ceremony and remembrances of Sulayne Brooks. Three
pieces of Sulayne’s art were on display. Guests and special friends of Sulayne; Amy Haberbosh
Wilson, Gabby Bland and Terri Bland were in attendance.
Recipient of last year’s SWC’s scholarship, Alexis Herndon was present to give an update of her
experiences at Davis and Elkins College and her coming summer internship. Mary Ann Ferris
reported that there were 10 applicants for the current year and that the committee would be
scoring the applications later in the week. The Committee met and Liam Gallagher was the
winner of the small scholarship for 2024.