By Debra Herndon
The Shinnston Woman’s Club met Monday, June 17 th at the Clubhouse with Co-President Mary Ann Ferris presiding. Co-President Debra Herndon presented Seven Signs of Spiritual Maturity and led in prayer.
The group said the Pledge to the Flag and then Ferris introduced the guest speaker, Stephen Smoot.
Smoot began by giving a background of his education and career which finally led him to be the Editor of the Shinnston News and Harrison County Journal and the Pendleton Times. Smoot had been a history teacher, worked in the political arena and had taught journalism and media classes. All these earlier experiences gave him skills and ideas for his current calling.
Smoot went on to give his opinion on the role of local print media in today’s world. As West Virginia’s Birthday is coming up he concluded with a talk on the social, financial and political reasons behind the formation of West Virginia.
The birth of the State occurred as a result of circumstances which will likely never be repeated.
A repast of chicken, potato salad, cake, cookies and marshmallow salad was enjoyed by all and then Ferris resumed the business portion of the meeting. Ferris reported that four Shinnston members had attended the Spring Workshop, many topics were covered including the Healthy Grandfamilies program.
Liam Gallagher was the recipient of the Club’s scholarship and he will be invited to a future meeting. Ferris will be taking the Club’s Arts and Crafts winning entries to Summer Conference for judging. The Club voted to contribute $100 to Lincoln High School’s EPIC Grant Program.
Those present not previously mentioned were Viviane Spagnuolo, Connie Leuliette, Willa Jean Green and Deborah Starkey.