By Rosalyn Queen
As I reflect on the passing of 2024 and the coming of 2025, a song keeps playing in my head. It is a song that I remember as a little girl when I observed New Years with my mother and dad. Then it comes back to mind when my school friends and I I celebrated New Years with a pajama party and then I have memories of it in my adult life, when parties were the norm and we celebrated all night. Now it’s hoping I-can stay up till midnight and if not I still hear the song and not only in my,head but I sing along as it plays over the television.
And of course that song is “Auld Lang Syne.” A little research finds that the song was written by Robert Burns. It is a Scottish song and auld lang syne means. For old times sake or the olden days. It will evoke feelings of nostalgia for times gone by. It will assure us to reminisce old friendships and look back over the events of the past year.
And so the song goes “Should old acquaintances be forgot and never brought to mind? ” And here in lies the answer to the song; a question mark at the end. It is asking us this
Question and we must come up with the answer.
So as we take a moment to reflect on 2024 are there many instances or individuals that we we want to forget. Not for me. Even those instances that many might think have negative connotations I do not want to forget. for I am a better person because of them. They have made me more understanding and more forgiving. I open my heart every day with prayer and thankfulness that these people and instances are in my life
In 2024, I welcomed a new great grandson, I,participated in an important election, won a few, lost a few, I continued to be a cancer survivor, I volunteered many hours at the PWA and continued with the Women of Distinction program. I resolve to be involved again in 2025.
As for 2025,I want just a little less of 2024 and to be surrounded by those I love. I resolve to be kinder and more loving and to open my heart to all those in need of a loving hand. I resolve to ask forgiveness to those I may have hurt and to lend an ear to those who need to talk.
And on the lighter side I resolve to lose a few pounds, but then that will be one of those resolutions that ends on February 1.
A happy and healthy New Year from my house to yours and until next ”Now you have heard it through the Grapevine. “