News & Journal Editor

Long winter days are now behind us, and who doesn’t look forward to enjoying a little Spring ‘fresh air’? … Especially if you have young children in the house! Kids and moms alike have something to look forward to; plan a visit to the Meadowbrook Mall where activities in advance of Easter have already begun.
Traveling via the Fun on Wheels Railroad, the Easter Bunny arrived last Saturday, taking his special seat near the Play Area. Lots of area children were on hand to greet the Easter Bunny and some of the mall store mascots last weekend and they were able to take advantage of free face painting too! There is still plenty of time to bring your child to the Mall to visit with the Easter Bunny who will be appearing daily through April 15th, offering each child who visits him a free gift courtesy of Chick-fil-A (while supplies last). A photo company will be setup there as well for those who want to hop by for a picture with the friendly rabbit who is almost as popular as Santa Claus!
Mall visitors will find the Easter Bunny available during the following hours: Monday through Thursday from noon until 8 p.m., Friday and Saturday from 10 a.m. until 8 p.m., and Sundays from 11 a.m. until 5 p.m. Please note that Easter Bunny break times are from 3 to 3:45 M-Sat, and from 2-2:30 on Sundays.
According to Robin Urquhart, Marketing Director at the Meadowbrook Mall, they have discussed for some time featuring a special event for children with a wide range of developmental issues. “Our concern was that because lines are often lengthy and anxiety often accompanies all the commotion, that these children might often miss the excitement of a visit with the Easter Bunny, so this year for the first time, we will feature a ‘Caring Bunny’ event this Saturday, April 1st from 8:30 a.m. to 10 a.m. on the Easter Set near the play area. We hope that families will take advantage of this option to bring their children with sensory issues so that they, too, can experience some personal time with the Easter Bunny. Since it is being held prior to the general public hours, we hope that the environment will be quieter and more comfortable for them,” she stated.
Also on April 1st, the mall will begin its ‘Gift with Purchase’ promo. Stop by the Customer Service Center and present $50 in mall store receipts and receive a free pair of Bunny Slippers (one size fits most). This offer continues through April 15th (while supplies last); make sure your receipts are dates April 1 – 15.
Easter fun continues at the Meadowbrook Mall with two more special events for children, both that will be featured during the mall’s regular weekly ‘Tuesday is for Toddlers’ events. On April 4th from 11 a.m. to noon, toddlers will be welcomed at Chick-fil-A at the mall for Milk & Cookies with the Easter Bunny! The following week, April 11th, from 11 a.m. to noon, the mall will host an Easter Egg Hunt for toddlers (up to age 5) inside the mall.
The Meadowbrook Mall’s ‘Tuesday is for Toddlers’ program is currently in its 4th year and has been a big hit with moms and kids alike! Each Tuesday from 11 a.m. to noon, toddlers are invited to participate in a different activity at no charge! It may be playing games, a craft, storytime, a special guest, or a combination of these … but always something entertaining, educational and something geared for toddler-aged children.
“This program has been very successful, thanks in great part to our partnerships with area businesses and community organizations. The turnout has really grown, and typically we have up to 125 – including children and an accompanying parent or guardian,” Urquhart stated. “The location moves around the mall each week, depending on the activity. We have tables and seating set up sometimes in front of one of our retail locations and at other times on the main concourse or a large hallway. This is featured throughout the year and provides mom with an outing and kids with something different to enjoy each Tuesday. The activity and location are posted each week on the mall’s Facebook page so that moms know what to expect and where to take their children.”
In the coming weeks leading up to Easter, be sure to visit the Meadowbrook Mall and ‘spring’ into the Spring season with some of these special activities!
Last Saturday, the Easter Bunny was joined by several costumed mascots from mall stores such as Claire’s, Auntie Anne’s Pretzels and Chick-fil-A. Together they gave a Spring welcome to area children who wanted to be the first to greet the Easter Bunny!