By Maralisa Marra
Steve Glass said when he, Dave Minor, and Jimmy Scudere learned that there was not going to be an all-class reunion hosted by the Shinnston High School Alumni Association, they came up with their own idea to bring everyone together.
“I looked at them [Minor and Scudere] and I said, ‘Why don’t we do a simple concept of a block party?’” Glass said.
He said the block party is for anyone that attended Shinnston High, all their friends, their kids, and even Lumberport and Lincoln High graduates.
The block party will take place at the Green Space on Aug. 20 from noon to 11 p.m.
“It’s just an open block party. We’re not having any formal activities that anybody pays for. It’s free,” Glass said. He said everyone is free to pitch their own canopies and bring their own drinks, snacks, and hopefully, eat and shop in Shinnston. The stage will also be open for dancing, and they are planning on having some live music.
“It’s open so people can come and go as they please,” Glass added.
He also said that the Shinnston Fire Department is willing to provide extra parking if needed.
“The whole idea is to just have a big party,” Glass said, “No formality.”
“My desire is to see Pike Street in Shinnston filled with cars and people on the street at different times during the day, and truly make it a Shinnston block party extending beyond the Green Space from one end [of the street] to the other end,” Glass added.
City Manager Chad Edwards, Glass, Minor, and Scudere want to encourage local businesses along Pike Street to decorate their doors and windows with Shinnston High or Lincoln High decorations, pictures, yearbooks, at the like.
Glass said, “We encourage people to visit everything in Shinnston while they’re here.”