Janet Dotson, our president, called our senior citizen meeting to order on Friday, May 19, 2017.
We stood and pledged our allegiance to our flag and sang the national anthem. Elaine Veltri did the devotions for us and Brenda Nestor, Janet Anderson and Jimmy Salerno were the people requested to be put on our the prayer list… also our country, leaders, family, friends and all those on previous lists.
We had no new or old business. People announced different venues that were happening in Shinnston this past week. There were 11 people that went to the nutrition center on May 17th… it was a good turnout. Debbie Glaspell was there delivering the low income nutrition boxes for the ones who signed up. Call the Clarksburg Senior Center for further information about this program.
It was good to have Karen Crayton and Tom Cooper back from Florida. Tom C. was celebrating a birthday. He received a rose, card, small cake and a candy bar. Also, Tom Greaver and Shirley celebrated their 56th anniversary; these lucky people got to listen to us sing Happy Birthday and Happy Anniversary. Bless their little hearts. We also welcomed our newest member Janet Davis and we hope that she felt part of our little group.
After Stanley McIntire asked the blessing on our food and prayed for the ones on our prayer list, we ate lunch. Valerie Cross, Navonda Hayhurst and Connie Perkins served as our kitchen crew. We had chicken and a table full of flavorful covered dishes made by our faithful members. The food was out of this world. The men will be our kitchen crew next week because it is Memorial Day weekend. We have hot dogs and picnic food. ElaineVeltri, Jean Hornick and Karen Flanigan will be our cake bakers.
Margaret Yost was our bingo coverall winner. Billie Allen won the 50/50 drawing and the 1st door prize winner was Mary Stutler.
Those attending and not previously mentioned were Sylvia Duckworth, Donna Yelich, Louie Veltri, Nancy Davis, Libby Butcher, Vivian Brown, David Greaver, Jean Hornick, Paul Shaver, Joan Whiteman, Pauline Reed and William Hayhurst.
Thought for the week – “A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones.” Proverbs 17:22. Let us try and keep our hearts merry in this day and age. We can always be down hearted about this world, but try and look on the bright side. It will get you far and God will help you get there. God tells us in Hebrews 13:5 at the end of the verse that “I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.” That promise should leave a smile on your face and in your heart each and every day. Have a good week!