Submitted by Kathleen Panek, City Clerk
Shinnston and Lumberport city officials met with state lawmakers to discuss local concerns and needs.
On Monday, Jan. 24, city officials visit State Senators Patrick Martin, R- Harrison, and Michael Romano, D-Harrison, as well as Delegates Clay Riley, Ben Queen, and Laura Kimble, all three Harrison County Republicans.
During the legislative session each year, the West Virginia Municipal League meets in Charleston to inform the municipalities about potential legislation. They also provide the opportunity to visit the Capitol and speak with legislators.
Mayor Patrick Kovalck, City Manager Chad Edwards, and City Clerk Kathleen Panek represented Shinnston and Mayor Betty O’Dell, Councilperson Lexie Mayfield, City Clerk Tori Drainer, and Recorder Linda Wright represented Lumberport.
Delegate Danny Hamrick, R-Harrison, was unable to keep his appointment due to a committee meeting.
City officials told lawmakers about the feasibility study Thrasher Engineering is conducting regarding Lumberport’s water issues. City officials have said Thrasher may recommend Shinnston sell water to Lumberport or may recommend another solution. City officials said they also told lawmakers about other concerns.
Shinnston and Lumberport city officials thank the legislators for the time they gave to listen to the presentations.