Submitted by the City of Clarksburg
CLARKSBURG – The City of Clarksburg is joining with community partners and local businesses for the kickoff to Clarksburg’s “First Fridays” on Friday, April 1, beginning at 4:30 p.m. in downtown Clarksburg.
“Everyone is invited to come and explore what downtown Clarksburg has to offer,” said Tina Yoke, executive director of the Clarksburg Visitors Bureau. “First Fridays is a great way to unite businesses, artists, organizations, and the community to showcase the beauty and opportunity existing right here in our city. Downtown businesses will be open, our restaurants and cafes will be open, live music will be playing, and I encourage everyone to come and enjoy Clarksburg’s historic downtown with us.”
Special events will include an artist gallery, featuring local artists Jim and Katy Crim and handmade wood art from Daniel McQuade, at the Clarksburg Community Action headquarters at 333 W Main St. The artists will be in attendance, and artwork from each artist will be available for purchase.
A “Scavenger Hunt Eggstravaganza” will originate at the Clarksburg-Harrison Public Library at 404 W Pike St. and will take participants on a hunt through a selection of notable downtown locations and businesses in search of special Easter eggs. Participants may start the scavenger hunt at any time during the event.
Eventgoers will have the opportunity to enjoy live music in the courthouse breezeway, specialties from local-area food trucks, and special hours at downtown businesses including the Clarksburg History Museum located in the Harrison County Board of Education building at 445 W Main St.
Families are invited to finish their downtown experience at The Robinson Grand Performing Arts Center for a showing of the movie “Peter Rabbit 2: The Runaway” beginning at 7 p.m. Tickets are available online at tickets.therobinsongrand.com, by calling their ticketing center at 1-855-773-6283, or at the box office before the screening.
For an extra helping of culture, eventgoers can top off their evening downtown with The Rustic Mechanicals preview performance of Shakespeare’s comedy “Much Ado About Nothing” beginning at 8:00 p.m. The show will take place at The Vintage Theatre Co. in the Uptown Event Center located behind the county courthouse at 305 Washington Ave.
For more information, including a growing list of participating downtown businesses and special offers, follow the City of Clarksburg’s Facebook event page at: facebook.com/events/370812747994050 or call the Clarksburg Visitors Bureau at 304-622-2157.